A Message from Your Hands: Go Easy on Me
There’s a love-hate relationship happening in healthcare and an intervention is long overdue. Your hands love all the attention they get at the sink each day, but you hate the dry, cracked skin you get in return.
Hand sanitizing is here to stay, but we can help send the nasty side effects packing. Individually wrapped antimicrobial towelettes are saturated with ethyl alcohol to kill 99.9% of germs, but also contain aloe vera for moisture balance. Store them with kits or inside carts and put your relationship back on the right track.
Wipes meet OSHA, APIC and CDC hand-washing recommendations in the absence of soap and water, so inspectors will approve of your progress, too. These handy disinfecting packets (see what we did there?) are available 1,000 per case and are ready to ship today!