Wednesday, 24 November 2021 06:56
Written by Shauna Goodhart

Delivery Without Delay
Given the rising costs of medication, your temperature-sensitive drug supply is something you’d rather not have to replace because of an avoidable event. That’s exactly what will happen, however, if the safe temperature range is breached during transport.
The BioTherm Packout System, available in three sizes, protects drug contents by combining multiple temperature-stability essentials into one convenient kit. A properly packed payload will remain at 2º to 8ºC for 48 hours (2.1 Liters) or 96 hours (5.2 Liters and 11.5 Liters) thanks to the reusable biochill cold packs included with each package.
Plan ahead and be ready for safe drug transport in an instant. With this smart system, your delivery details are covered!