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Flag Danger One Vial at a Time

In your profession, warning labels are everywhere. From the types of protective apparel you must wear to the temperature at which certain drugs must be stored, there are red flags aplenty. 


If you’re handling neuromuscular blocking agents, we suggest orange flags — actual orange flag labels — instead. Our newest offering, which reads “Warning: Causes Respiratory Arrest/Patient Must Be Ventilated,” makes it easy to differentiate these drugs from other medications in accordance with ISMP Best Practices and prevent accidental administration errors. 


Flag labels are designed with clear sections that wrap around containers to prevent any interference with existing labels or graduations at the point of attachment. This unobstructed view of the drug container, combined with the brightly colored flag-style warning, significantly improves patient safety. 


Don’t miss a red — or orange — flag again. Visit our Flag Label inventory to see all the ways we can help add unmistakable warnings to your most vulnerable