From Red Flag to Victory Lane
In drug handling, there are red flags aplenty. In fact, The Institute for Safe Medication Practices lists hundreds of often confused drug names to help determine which meds need special safeguards.
High Alert Bins raise awareness for these medications and significantly reduce the risk for storage and dispensing errors. With a bold label on the lid, staff must first (A) stop, (B) read the warning then (C) lift the lid before picking medication, a green flag of sorts. Because lids are clear, bin contents are always visible.
Choose from High Alert Insulin Bins or High Alert Paralytic Agent Bins, each with distinct appearances that differentiate them from other drug storage containers. We also offer different colored bins and specialty label solutions so users can create their own high alert bins tailored to their unique needs.
Raise awareness. Raise accuracy. Raise the checkered flag. Victory lane is here!