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Highly Anticipated, Highly Prepared

Doses of the much-anticipated COVID-19 vaccine are beginning to arrive by the truckload along with strict storage and handling guidelines to maintain drug integrity. Pre-printed labels instantly raise awareness and minimize confusion so proper work toward a cure can begin more quickly. 


Use COVID-19 Flag Labels to quickly distinguish between vials, syringes, ampules and dispensers containing Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Clear sections wrap around containers to prevent interference with existing labels and significantly reduce the risk for storage or administration error. 


Alternatively, users can easily identify COVID-19 vaccines and their storage containers by manufacturer with pre-printed labels in a variety of sizes. Color-coded labels with vaccine name, manufacturer and, for 2333 and 2334 only, next dose information, simplify handling of this high-demand drug so healthcare workers can better manage inventory. 


Arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine is highly anticipated, but also highly delicate. We’re here to help navigate the path to a much-needed cure.