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Take Down Wasted Space for Good

Whether you’re responding to a code, providing post-op care or administering meds during rounds, the right tools can transform your treatment routine from basic to best.  A well-accessorized cart makes it easy to deliver quick, accurate care to every patient, every time. 


Give them your best with solutions based on your specific needs. Tap our new digital catalog link to Earn Your Black Belt and gather all the inspiration you need. 


Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find: 


Crash cart boxes keep supplies sorted and secure for maximum accessibility. Full-sizehalf-size and one-third size boxes, with or without lids, offer flexibility while color options simplify the task of content identification. Dividers make content management even easier.  


 Vial holdersfoam inserts and labeled overlays add another layer of protection for contents and help reduce the risk for medication errors. For maximum efficiency, prepare boxes in advance, seal them, store them in color-coded, tamper-evident crash cart bags and use them to quickly restock used crash carts. 


You don’t need a black belt in karate to save lives and heal wounds, you just have to be organized. Visit the links to find the solutions right for you!