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Take the Sting Out of Missed Measurements

It can happen. Miscalculations can occur when compounding multiple prescriptions in the pharmacy lab. Without precise measurements, a drug’s ability to work as prescribed can be affected and patients can suffer the consequences. 




Ensure precise measurements with every compounded prescription using the OHAUS Pharmacy Scale. Loaded with luxuries, this slick countertop unit auto calibrates, which makes it easy to achieve optimal weighing results quickly, accurately and reliably. A wide view color touchscreen provides quick access to multiple applications and dual USB ports assist with data monitoring and tracking. Its fast stabilization time improves productivity, too.  


The scale is available individually or comes packaged in a kit with all the essentials to keep any compounding routine running smoothly: multiple sized weighing canoes, a powder brush, spatulas and measuring scoops. See it in action to


Take the sting out of missed measurements. Experience the power of precision with this compounding essential!