You'll Get a Kick Out of This!
It’s tradition here at HCL to usher in a new year with a new mascot. Considering the sucker punch that was 2020, our gi-clad character is ready to kung-fu fight back.
WoodChuck Norris made his debut with the recent release of the 2021 HCL Product Catalog and wasted no time getting right to work.
“WoodChuck Norris is the name,” he declared, “and elevating healthcare is my game.”
From pharmacy essentials and storage staples to infection prevention and pandemic response, he was quick to begin delivering the tools his fans couldn’t find elsewhere.
Didn’t get a catalog yet? Check out the digital version until your hard copy arrives.
Join us as we chuck the strange days of 2020 and look toward a safer, healthier and happier 2021. Together we will see it through!