Vinyl labels

Use personalized Vinyl Labels to show ownership, identify contents and reduce time spent searching for supplies.

  • Labels and vinyl lettering can be cut to any shape, any size and up to four colors.
  • Create your own design with the colors you choose. Call your Customer Service Representative for a price on your specific design.
  • Labels/lettering have permanent adhesive.
  • We do not recommend writing or typing on labels because of the slick finish.
  • Choose from: Clear Polyester (indoor use), General Use White Vinyl (indoor - short term outdoor use) or Premium White Vinyl (extended outdoor use - vehicle decals, etc.)
  • Only one dimension may exceed 11-1/2" if you order a special size.
  • Special artwork designs and logos will not have an additional fee if camera-ready, high-resolution artwork is provided.

These items are designed to your unique specifications. Email or call Customer Service at 1.800.848.1633 to discuss ordering options for your specialty product(s) today!