Covid resurgence response 23

Battle Back Against the COVID-19 Resurgence

There’s been a noticeable uptick in COVID-19 cases during recent months and the Centers for Disease Control on Sept. 12 recommended updated vaccines for everyone 6 months and older. While vaccines continue to be the best way to protect against severe disease, our shelves are stocked with proactive solutions to help slow the spread of the virus. 


Preventive measures like mask-wearing, hand hygiene and social distancing are still important, especially in areas where resurgences have been reported. Additionally, signage throughout a facility can play a significant role in raising awareness for best practices.  


Let us help protect your team! Shop the links or give us a call to stock up on these essentials: 
• PPE – masks, face shields, gloves and gowns

• Cleaners and disinfectants

• Vaccination storage and transport supplies

• Hazardous waste disposal options

• Labels, magnets, clings and vinyl graphics 

• Custom solutions designed to your specifications


Vaccines continue to be a powerful tool in our arsenal against the COVID-19 virus, but they’re most effective when combined with preventive measures. We stand as a partner in this battle, ready to provide the necessary supplies to prioritize safety, help adhere to public health guidelines and provide convenient access to solutions!