Fridge Tag 2 Combo

Better Compliance Begins with a Better View

Artificial Intelligence can run the world, or so it seems, but it can’t run your daily temperature reports. Without those, you might as well turn in your sterile compounding badge because non-compliance is not tolerated.  


According to American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) guidelines on Compounding Sterile Preparations (CSPs), temperatures in controlled areas used for compounding or storing CSPs should be recorded in a log each day. Avoid AI complications — and countless others — with Fridge-Tag 2. Its direct display feature allows users to monitor 30 days of refrigerator and freezer data at a glance and document it according to ASHP recommendations. 


Fridge-Tag 2 also makes it easy to discover temperature violations and react immediately to protect drug integrity. In addition to its 30-day display feature, the unit stores up to 60 days of temperature data that can be quickly downloaded in an easy-to-use comprehensive report. Use it to identify trends and improve supply management. 


Find hundreds of solutions for your compliance needs throughout our Temperature Monitoring line or contact us to learn how our products can be modified to your unique requirements!