09232022blog pipettestarterkit

Build a Better Laboratory

Best intentions aren’t enough when it comes to testing in the lab. Failure to have the right equipment can cause results to suffer. 

 Whether you’re performing sample testing or conducting research in genetics, chemistry, microbiology or pharmacology, our all-in-one Pipette Starter Kit can take you from start to finish without unnecessary supply gaps. Individual pieces are also available so you can restock exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. 

 Choose Health Care Logistics® as your one-stop lab partner to simplify processes, keep research projects on schedule and reduce the risk of compromising valuable samples. Items are in stock and ready for same-day shipping, so you aren’t stuck with staggered delivery dates and stacks of invoices.  

 Build your laboratory with in-stock options from a reliable lab partner. Flip through our digital catalog or visit our product category to shop the entire line!