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Could Your Job Be Jeopardizing Your Health?

Over time, the physical demands of your job can lead to health risks. Unpacking boxes, restocking shelves and transporting equipment — sometimes even patients — all adds up. 


Avoid unnecessary strain with a simple solution that lightens your load, literally. Heavy-duty MetroMax Utility Carts, available in two sizes, are designed to move large loads (up to 900 lbs. in just one trip) so you don’t compromise personal safety. Because they feature removable sections for quick, easy cleaning and disinfecting, they keep contamination at bay, too. 


If your loads contain small, loose items, add Shelf Liners to prevent them from falling through. Liners are clear, so they help maintain a neat, clean look.  


Don’t let the demands of your job outweigh the rewards. Trust this mobile transport solution to prevent stress and provide relief!