Hector & Helen: How Their HCL Story Began
Hector and Helen are as synonymous with our brand as our famous rubber chicken. But do you know how the “little people in the catalogs” came to be?
As owner Gary Sharpe tells the story, he saved up enough money in the mid-1980s to hire an advertising professional and a graphic artist. Until then he was doing his own catalog design — taking photographs and pasting up pages — but no art was involved.
The pros came up with the tagline “Your small friend, indeed” along with the company logo. They also came up with Hector and Helen, whose names were chosen as a word play on Health Care Logistics®.
“The idea we wanted to convey, and still do, is that we are a small business that puts the customer first,” Sharpe says. “The concept worked and is still working.”
Follow Hector and Helen’s adventures in our catalogs and online. Like us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube for a major dose of comic relief!