1062023blog vialstand

Here’s an Easier Way to Organize Vials

When vials and tubes inside cabinets and cart drawers are scattered, it’s chaos. Labels are more difficult to read and leaks are more likely to happen. 

Save yourself the hassle with Easy Read Vial Stand Sets. Together with silicone grippers, they hold vials and tubes at an angle so you can easily read the drug name and so you spend less time cleaning messes. 

Stands, available in multiple sizes, can be wall mounted, placed inside a cabinet, or used on a counter for convenient access. They also fit perfectly inside crash cart boxes so cart drawers remain uncluttered and mistakes are less likely to happen. 

Only need to organize a small number of vials? We have you covered. Easy Read Vial Grippers with Shock Absorbers are available five per package. 

These colored stands keep labels visible and offer another layer of drug product awareness. Choose from three colors to easily create a color-coded storage system that helps distinguish critical meds, minimizes confusion and improves patient safety. 

Avoid chaos and embrace calm. Shop the entire line to find the combination that best fits your needs!