Jerry the rubber chicken

Jerry 2.0 to the Rescue

When a Maine-based leadership team received an HCL® Rubber Chicken more than 2 years ago, they did more than put it on a shelf. They gave it a name — Jerry — and made him their “culture king.” He quickly became the star of their Facebook page with legions of faithful fans, but then he flew the coop without so much as a peep.  


It appears Jerry decided to stay in Ibiza during a European trip with a team member. Once they discovered his disappearance, they reached out to us to deliver the devastating news. Immediately, we sent Jerry 2.0 to save the day. 


“Since he has joined our team, he has spread so much joy and created a fun, uniting culture we never even dreamed of,” said a team member. “Jerry has crashed our weddings, joined our holiday festivities, flown the coop on our adventures and connected us with our community through our Facebook photo contests. We even brought a golden chicken trophy into the flock as the prize for the winning team.”


We knew we had to keep Jerry’s good vibes going. 


“We are so appreciative for your support and generosity in helping us keep our treasured chicken culture initiative alive,” said the team representative. “We wanted to share our deep gratitude with you for responding swiftly to our ‘cock-a-doodles’ when Jerry got lost. Without your support Jerry might have been lost to us forever.” 


We love pictures and stories like these about the very unfeathered members of our flock! Click here to share your own “chicken nuggets!”