11182022blog tamperevidentbox

Keep Items Secure in Plain Sight

Solid-colored locking containers can protect drugs from prying eyes and they can minimize the risk for theft, but concealed items can create complications for your pharmacy team too if you’re not careful. Easy identification of stored contents for authorized personnel is critical to error prevention and picking efficiency.  

Tamper-Evident Boxes are clear, lidded storage containers in Small and Large that keep everyday medication and supplies visible for quick location and retrieval. Lids protect contents from damage and debris and they allow boxes to stack, which saves space in the storeroom and on carts. 

Tamper Evident Box Seals, which feature a double-click locking mechanism, easily secure contents and can be removed manually without cutting. Seals are consecutively numbered to assist with inventory management.   

Keep items organized and secure in plain sight. See the difference with Tamper-Evident Boxes and Seals!