Chill pill bath bombs set

Know the Effects – and Remedies – of Job Burnout

Burnout is real and professionals in every industry feel their spark fade at some point. Rekindle that flame by surprising someone in your circle with the gift of relaxation! 


This spa-inspired gift set by PureBliss Bath Co. includes four bath bomb “chill pills” in Pink Guava, Pineapple, Beach Days and Peach Bellini. They help the stress melt — or fizzle — away as soon as they’re dropped in the bath. 


Looking for a deeper dive on the topic of burnout? 


In its article Job burnout: How to spot it and take action, Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, cites these job burnout risk factors: 


• You have a heavy workload and work long hours

• You struggle with work-life balance

• You work in a helping profession, such as health care

• You feel you have little or no control over your work


Ignored or unaddressed job burnout can have significant consequences, including:


• Excessive stress

• Fatigue

• Insomnia

• Sadness, anger or irritability

• Alcohol or substance misuse

• Heart disease

• High blood pressure

• Type 2 diabetes

• Vulnerability to illnesses


To combat the effects of burnout, Mayo Clinic suggests these action steps: 


• Evaluate your options. Discuss specific concerns with your supervisor. Maybe you can work together to change expectations or reach compromises or solutions. Try to set goals for what must get done and what can wait.

• Seek support. Whether you reach out to co-workers, friends or loved ones, support and collaboration might help you cope. If you have access to an employee assistance program, take advantage of relevant services.

• Try a relaxing activity. Explore programs that can help with stress such as yoga, meditation or tai chi.

• Get some exercise. Regular physical activity can help you to better deal with stress. It can also take your mind off work.

• Get some sleep. Sleep restores well-being and helps protect your health.

• Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the act of focusing on your breath flow and being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling at every moment, without interpretation or judgment. In a job setting, this practice involves facing situations with openness and patience, and without judgment.


Keep an open mind as you consider the options. Try not to let a demanding or unrewarding job undermine your health.