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Label Now, Avoid the Unexpected Later

Prescription drugs are powerful, that’s no secret. But the extent of their power can sometimes be overwhelming, even paralyzing. Label neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBs) and similar drugs now to avoid unexpected outcomes later


We’ve stocked our shelves with a variety of error-prevention solutions for paralytic drug handling including labeling tapereclosable bagstamper-evident sealsflag labelsclingsIV bag port seals and preprinted labels. Designed for compliance with ISMP 2022-2023 Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals, these distinctly colored items reduce the risk for accidental administration and alert workers to the respiratory paralysis that results when patients aren’t properly ventilated. 


ISMP recommends placing auxiliary labels on all storage bins and/or automated dispensing cabinets that contain NMBs as well as all final medication containers of NMBs (syringes, IV bags, etc.) to clearly communicate that respiratory paralysis will occur and ventilation is required. 


Stock your shelves to improve compliance and protect patient safety. Smarter drug handling is a call or click away!