Military Donation Amvets Van

Military Fund Donation Helps AMVETS Achieve Goal

Once again, our employee-funded military account is making a difference in the lives of local veterans. 


We recently had the honor of presenting $4,000 to AMVETS Post 2256 in Circleville. The donation helped the group meet its fundraising goal and purchase a new multi-passenger van. Post 2256 Honor Guard members will use the van to travel the state and present military honors at funeral services, parades and other ceremonies. 


Also in military fund news, a generous HCL® employee donated a pair of OSU football tickets to support the cause. Raffle ticket sales generated $723 with all proceeds going to the military fund. Congratulations to our winner, Shop Technician Duane Walls, and thanks to everyone who participated!


HCL® Executive Assistant Geralyn Yingling is pictured presenting our donation to AMVETS Post 2256 representatives Martin Frey (left) and Ed Allshouse.