02022023blog dustcontrolmat

One Step Closer to Cleanroom Success

Like any good pregame routine, the anteroom is the place to prep equipment and strategize for cleanroom success. Just don’t forget to look down before you go forward. 


Our Peel Away Dirt and Dust Control Mat is ideal for placement near cleanrooms that require protection against dust and bacteria. Its tacky surface pulls dirt and dust off shoes so you significantly reduce the potential for regulation violations and avoid the risk of contamination. 


Its white color provides maximum visibility of dust accumulation. Once the top sheet is contaminated, pull it off and discard. Because mats are numbered, you know exactly how many sheets are left and can be ready with a replacement when the last sheet is soiled. 


Achieve cleanroom readiness with peel-away convenience. Mats, available in multiple sizes, are in stock and ready to ship today!