Overexposed? Avoid Costly Consequences
Whether you’re transporting vaccines, blood products, X-ray film or food, you can’t afford to compromise integrity at any stage of delivery. Unexpected circumstances, however, can delay arrival and diminish quality, which can put patient safety at risk.
Attach an adhesive-backed Exposure Indicator inside your container and know — at-a-glance — the status of your supplies. Each adhesive-backed strip features a high-contrast indicator that turns blue in response to rising temperatures and estimates the amount of time products have spent out of range. Knowing this information can help avoid costly errors caused by mishandled materials.
Plan carefully before packing contents to avoid costly consequences. Spot over exposure instantly with these easy-to-use indicators!
Visit our site to view more temperature monitoring solutions or call us to learn how we can help you save thousands on avoidable drug replacement costs.