Rubber chicken day 2024

Rubber Chicken Day: A Holiday Hatched in Good Fun

Not only is Feb. 19 our Grand Poobah’s birthday (happy birthday, Gary!), it’s also Rubber Chicken Day. That’s right, our mascot has its own holiday! 


It’s no coincidence we chose this day to honor our famous fowl, but the decision to make the rubber chicken our mascot was far less calculated. The idea took off during our early days of catalog production when a rubber chicken went undetected on a crash cart. Customers immediately wanted to know more. We didn’t have a good story to tell, so we created one.  


Our mascot’s advertising appearances are no longer mistakes; in fact, we share rubber chickens everywhere we go. We even have a line of mascot-themed merchandise. So join us in celebrating this special day by doing something completely foolish and ridiculously fun — it’s the HCL® way!