Service Spotlight: Tomeka Harris
Join us in congratulating Tomeka Harris, Vice President of Quality and Regulatory Affairs, on her five-year employment anniversary! She recently took a break from her busy schedule to share what brings her joy.
Q: What part of your day do you look forward to most?
A: Interacting with the different departments daily. It can range from Purchasing, Sales or Operations. There is such a healthy dynamic relationship working with the various departments.
Q: Who inspires you?
A: My family has inspired me and continues to do that daily. They have always instilled in me to work hard, be kind and the right individuals will notice. Also, the patients who are using any product that HCL® manufactures or distributes. If one of our products helps someone then I have done my job. The goal in this industry is to help science improve and keep loved ones around longer. That is such satisfaction for me overall.
Q: How do you like to spend the weekend?
A: I LOVE to travel. Even if it is catching a flight Friday afternoon and coming back on Sunday so I can get ready for work. My niece is going to be an Oompa Loompa in a play in January and she has asked me to show up. I have already purchased my plane ticket for a late evening on Friday so I can be in the audience on Saturday cheering her on. Being around people that makes my spirit at peace and laughing a lot is what I love on the weekend.
We are inspired by Tomeka’s passion for her work and we look forward to years of continued growth with her as a leader on our team!