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Struggling with Labeling Standards?

Just when you think you have USP guidelines figured out and you’re winning at work, regulators change the game. We understand the struggle and we’re on your team. 


Our Hazardous Drug Labels and Labeling Tape make it easy to meet USP <800> guidelines requiring labels on items used in connection with hazardous drugs. Properly labeled items, including containers, cleaning buckets and mop handles, help minimize errors and help prevent communication breakdowns that put patients at risk. 


Choose from two label design options, round or traditional, or use our hassle-free labeling tape to eliminate tangled rolls and reduce waste. Tape is available in two sizes, ½” (perforated) and 1” (non-perforated), and is packaged in a handy clamshell container to keep it neat and clean. 


Change can be a challenge, but defeat isn’t in the cards. Achieve compliance easily with our ready-to-use label solutions!