The A-B-Cs of Oral Dispensing
Oral dispensers are among the easiest and most affordable drug delivery options available, but getting A) the liquid prescription from B) the bottle to C) the syringe takes a little bit of work and involves a lot more mess.
Press-In Bottle Adapters help avoid dispensing hassles — and waste — by converting prescription bottles into filling devices. Just place an adapter into the bottle opening and enjoy mess-free dispensing.
Caps can be used with adapters in place, which is another time-saving perk. They’re available in 20mm, 22mm, 24mm, 28mm and 33mm, which makes it easy to keep a variety of sizes stocked and ready for use.
Not sure which size adapters you need? Choose “Sample Request” and use Item Number “BAKIT “when prompted on the form to try a variety of sizes free before you order. We ship most sample requests the same day!