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This Treatment Plan Moves with You

Multiple trips from the bedside to the pharmacy might help close the activity rings on your smartwatch, but they won’t win many points with patients. Instead, create a mobilized treatment method that’s pure genius (no smart gadgets necessary) — and looks good, too.  


Neatly store nearly 200 medication punch cards inside this mobile cart so you can spend more time closer to patients during rounds. Because it has a keyless lock, it keeps security tight, too. Add Punch Card Bins and Dividers to maximize efficiency.


Its attractive, furniture-style design replaces the look of traditional medical equipment and helps create a more welcoming environment. Choose from seven colors and five handle styles to blend seamlessly with your facility’s existing décor. 


If you have a special manufacturing request or a lock style preference, we can make it happen. Give us a call at 800-848-1633 or chat live with one of our product specialists to discuss your design details today!