Share your Jokes & Funny Stories with us!

We’ve shipped out thousands of rubber chickens over the years. We’ve passed them out at tradeshows, packed them inside goodie bags and even mailed them to troops serving overseas. Now we wonder — has one of our very unfeathered friends made its way to you?

If you’ve received an HCL rubber chicken, we’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line to let us know how our chickens fared once they flew the coop. Did you name your chicken? Take it on a trip? Did it serve as comic relief?

We know we're not the only comedians to walk this planet. What other funny (and clean) jokes can you share with us? Send us your favorites!

27459864 10160040726230525 1476972172647129445 n Dog Tested Dog Approved N O L A Chicken Camochicken
27540803 10160040726510525 4801965065844225345 n Just hangingout Pharmacy chicken Naughtycoke
27654658 10160040725700525 5179514584618592294 n Layer 1 Shippedwithcatalog Winnerwinnerchickendinner

Tell us how your Rubber Chicken is doing. Remember to send pictures too. We will share your comments and pictures with other customers of HCL. The lawyers call that a permission to use your stuff for our promotional efforts. We do hope your Rubber Chicken has behaved for you; we tried to raise them right.

Joke Submission Form

Pilot chicken